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The Epistemological Tutorial

Date: 25.05.2017

Author: Ilya Potapov

Ruslim.Org Epistemology

What we know and How we know (it) are the starting points of the classical branch of philosophy, so called epistemology. We take epistemology a bit further into the practical domain, which is twofold:

We look for objectivity in everything (not claiming it necessarily exists!). Hence, we emphasize empirical and testable evidence (not claiming it can always help you out!). So, this project is an experiment: We would like to find out quantitatively the limits of objectivity in everything, especially, in our abilities to comprehend.

Note for philosophy haters: we are not philosophers, nor do we tend to become ones. We are forced to set off for sincere search by the real problems. Anywhere in this resource you can substitute philosophy/epistemology with knowledge/ understanding/ search. We nurture intellectual honesty, that is, when you know something you must act upon it. But how do you know that you know and how much do you know? Exactly the practical life issues oblige us to turn to philosophical, empirical, and other methodologies…

Therefore, we are trying to address epistemological problems: i) by consistent processing of the materials pertaining thereto and ii) in tutorial-like fashion to achieve maximum practical outcome (thus, adding a new perspective to epistemology: how do we make use of what we know given how we know it). Practically, we look for changes required by the new reliable knowledge.

Alternatively, if you mirror the problem, you could call an epistemological guide "a guide to ignorance", that is a tour to "how much you do not know". So, Ruslim.Org is "Your Guide to Ignorance" as well as "A Guide to Your Ignorance".

(Strictly speaking, the practical aspect of the Greek episteme, –>epistemology, is its sister techne, –>technology. Thus, "practical epistemology" translates to "technology", which does not make much sense in the modern context. Alternatively, we could call this endeavor "technology of knowing".)

(Note for Ancient Greece haters: we do not fall in love with Greek philosophy, nor with any philosophy for that matter, but we mainly address the Western society, which, they believe, rests on the Ancient Greece legacy. Other cultures certainly do have better words for various kinds of "knowledge" allowing for more sophisticated descriptions.)

Finally, we do not claim to cover everything, we are just a piece in an ocean of the real problems and, most importantly, their epistemological resolutions. The broader coverage of the problems require an active on-line community to be part of the process. And we virtually embrace all new members!

DISCLAIMER: there are people not willing to understand and change no matter what evidence is presented to them. Such people are largely ignored here. We collaborate only with those searching with open eyes in the world so easily giving ideological nurture to the blind.

Please, also make sure you read about our understanding of empirical.